Monday 31 March 2014


Gill Nicol/ lightsgoingon

What and how to communicate! And who is your audience! How is it received?

Her own business Lights Going On


Where is the exhibition being held, when is it being held, who is he audience? There are many varieties of a group exhibition, a movement a style an ism, or a student show!

Wall colour
Signage, labeling, brochure, text panel design

Exhibition Styles

Working with lighting, having reflecting floors 
Sherrie Lervine Crystal Skulls


White Cube space, pretty standard space for exhibition it creates a neutral zone, like a church for art ( special objects/images) 

Installation / display ?? 

-Installation Art, requires he audience to play socially enter the artwork, experimental. They actively walk into the space and get submersed but the art. Absorbed 

Is it going to be displayed on the floor, wall or shelf?

A collection of work all together on wall, biggest n the middle and working out to smallest on the outside! What colours will the walls be? 

Text on gallery walls, gallery guide, something that relates to the work, a noo melt pthat you could take home and read later on, extended labels, audio tour, resources , being there to talk about your work. 

Why do people go? 

Emotionally moved, to feel different, to escape from your life, like a cinema

Work with the room, does it have a central balance? Is there a pilar that needs to be worked with? 

An interactive element, a place where they can leave feedback, 

An artist statement, writing about your work, it's important. No waffle, just talk about how you did it, why you did it, this will communicate to the audience the best! Just simply talk about what your dong. Helps to talk it out.

Create space for you audience, physically and mentally. 

Business card, creative cv, website, a way to ask for feedback,

Branding yourself, it needs to reflect you, 

Pricing, think about what you mig sell something for, before the exhibition, you need a deposit to sercue it,my need to give them a receipt, and some forms for them to fil in wu answers such as will you pick it up? Etc

Working out your overheads, any costs for marketing, and thr time it's taken you, how much would you want per hour, also your relationship, if you don't want to sell if then price it high so the money matches that relationship
For calculating your price of work.
If you want to prepare for an exhibition, 

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