Monday 31 March 2014

SHOW ME THE MONEY lecture notes

Karin Jordan 
Crowd Funding

Giving people a share in your idea, this is risky if you give a share to people they could take your idea. Also you could give away t shirts 

Put product/pitch and get money and give rewards this is low risk.

Why do Crowd Funding??

Raises some capital

Easy way to get interest


Engage people

Raises your profile.

Allows you to make stuff

You need to create emotion to connect with people, why are you really dong it? Make it Authentic

Make it clear and transparent, your asking people for money, they want to know where it's going! 

Make your crowd fund appealing, visual, it need to be clear, 8 second pitch! SUPER CLEAR straight to the point. 

Keep people updated! 'Just raised £....' Dance floor senrerio 

Start the campaign with friends, to start it off, it gets everybody dancing. 

If you've offered rewards book, tshirts print etc make sure you follow through! Give it them, and if it's late keep in touch! You need  to deliver he reward you've offered! Make sure you've got enough of everything! Make sure you've got enough rewards, make sure they match what your offering! 

Up load short video even of yourself people love that and they will start dancing. Or an animated PowerPoint 
Archive, research into the best crowd funding platform, fees, what kind of projects have got funded? Then you know how to reach that audience. You want to be able to link up to Twitter, Facebook, behance, blogs etc to get to a wider audience!

Have a plan for the updates. This is important for interest.

Channels- the roots in which you get yourself out there

Crowd funding is a channel, you are creating a tribe, you can find out who likes your work and who can support your work financially 
It can show that you get up and go, good for your cv, it shows your pro active. And successful and innovative 

Crowd funding site normally ask for a percentage of what you make. Do research to find out which ones suit you

You can look at the range of work, look at whether it's successful or why not.


go for a smaller amount for like a month campaign and you'll probably get more.

Think about the price, of the rewards, you want the money back. 

Put when your estimated delivery is, so the clients know, and they don't mind, it's like telling your mum where your going, if you warn her early then she's cool. 
One month campaign people get bored otherwise 

A great prize- is to get somethng first PEOPLE LOVE THAT if it's exclusive 
And create something personal to the individual 

Be fun!!

### www.kick
### www?hubbub?net
Matt Wilson 


Lurkers, people who just look at the work, only 1% of likes translate into money.
Your crowd funding site needs to look professional
Tipping point

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