Thursday 30 January 2014

Fun stuff!

I really wanted to use bleach to discolour a t shirt then I saw this blog and then realised that you could be very direct about how you apply bleach!

You could illustrate with bleach onto a top! So I thought I would test it out. Could be something fun

 Here it is, just a simple pattern to see how it works, which I found out pretty well!

 Here's the final print, it's worked really well and it's really easy to do, apart from the bleach completely dissolved my paint brush! And smells bad! 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Hallmark Card off prints

These are some prints that I quickly mocked up yesterday evening, I was thinking about drawing a repeat pattern with different objects in so I decided to give it a go with a symmetrical pattern to see if it worked, and it actually really enjoyed the outcome! So today I might try creating a repeat pattern with this objects! And see if I could fit it into the Cath Kidston comp as I find her pattern I produced to simple, I want to spice it up a little because I really love the please call me prints! I think they are bright colourful a and entertaining! 

Monday 27 January 2014

Not on the high

Over Christmas I saw a lot of adverts for and I never really took much notice. But my cousin sent some really lovely unique art based presents and has done now for a couple of years, so I asked what her secret is! And she mostly orders her presents from this online shop! 

Even the way it's been photographed is so important, it really sells the card! I love it and would find that really enjoyable! Making it look all pretty! I love the beautiful fun telephone illustration as well!

Another way to sell my work, as a print in a frame, and yet again the photography is really important! The little objects just add something but obviously you don't actually get them, but they really add a nice touch to the photo and the print!

This is a 6 card collection, they are super simple and super cute and it's nice to have a collection of objects that kind of work together well are linked together with the illustrative style.
I would love to create a little card collection like this.

Telephones- Etsy

I could     create prints/ tshirts/ cards and then sell them on Etsy anottther easy way of selling work without too much effort once it's been created. Only I'm not sure how much of a chance you get of people actually buying your work especially as it's very specific. But it could just be on the list if outlets I could potential sell my work on!

Fun coloured phone prints!

Driftwood- Etsy

I ve only just discovered this website, Etsy well I knew about it but IL'd never actually been on to the webpage. And its amazing! A great place to ppotentially sell my driftwood piece to a wider audience. I actually really love this piece above , researching it is giving me some great ideas, also my cousin wants me to paint driftwood signs for her wedding  so its great to start researching now! 

Definitely something that I would possibly do for the next modulee! Because I actually really realy enjoy the hole process of collectin the drrifwood from the beach, waiting for it to ddry then sanding it down ready to paint!

Hallmark Card Comp

This is my second design for the Hallmark Card Comp, I really really like itm, its bold  and fun and I used typography! which I love. I could see this pattern working on different objects as well such as bags, and folders

I prefer these to the Cath Kidston prints that I created as they are almost a development from the Cath Kidston print I just think they are really fun and entertaining! and I love experiement with different colour ways. I quite like the bright versions but I also love the pink tonal versions. yeah really happy with them.

Paperchase Industry Research

This would be cool to extend my patterns to a collection , like a folder, cups, rulers, tins, tissue paper , bags etc, that would be awesome! I would definately have to add possibly some text to add interest and add a story. Or maybe add different objects that tell a story about the phone. possibly hearts, or envelopes, roses. 

Jan Constantine

 I really like this ladies work, and i think my telephone prints that I am creating for the Cath Kidston competition, especially as she uses typography which I would love to use. The colours are also brighter and bolder, and I prefer the colour and materials used for her bags, and her patterns are possibly more intcate patterns which I am better at creating than simple designs. She seems to use the bright colours of the Union Jack flag.     

Saturday 25 January 2014

Industry Research

I was looking at different surf companies, and getting really excited and inspired. One of my favourite companies for a long time has been Roxy. It used to be what I spent my wages on! I found this image and I really love it. I've only occasionally tried lettering/ illustration over photos but I really want to try it for my next module because it's like combining my favourite things!the beach, illustration, photography. 
And working for Roxy would be amazing as it's the women's part of the compny Quicksliver, so just focusing on the women's clothing etc. which is what I would be most interested in! It would amazing 

Industry Research

  This would probably be one of my dream jobs, living in Cornwall, surfing, seeing the beautiful beaches everyday for inspiration and illustrating for someone like the Surf Girl Magazine. I researched this after looking at the Company magazines website and I must admit I got way more excited about this than I did for the idea of working for someone like Company. I definitely think I would really feel that's my Zine would be suitable to send in a promotion pack to any of the surf companies and my driftwood I feel I could include as well. Maybe sand a small piece down and hand paint it to send with my promo pack! Something they could hang up and was cute and small enough to keep but eye catching so they would keep looking at it and them hire me! Ha. I think that route would be more of an interest for me rather than the more fashion based route. 

This is one of Becky's prints, something that makes me inspired and jealous which is a good feeling and also a feeling of I could do that! It's just something that I would love to do. I also have experience of working in a surf shop for about 6 years on and off. Surely that could count for something ! I means that I have an idea of the surf companies that are around. 

This is another page of her work in the magazine! I love the photograph with illustration over the top of it, yet again makes me want to produce would like it , bad! This a good feeling and I'm gunna try and not forget about it! I was kinda hoping that I could take a different inspiration direction when I move on to my next module, but I doubt I will. It's just what I love doing. It's what I love creating about.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Repeat Patterns

Repeat patterns are going to be the death of me, but once I got my brain around working it out they look quite effective. I probably won't squeeze as many phones into an area and might work on giving them some space so they are not as complicated. 

And here are the prints on potential objects Cath Kidston might have for her range. I really like it on the bag, but I'm. It quite sure if they fit entirely into the Cath Kidston range, never know she might like them!

Making it into a panel

Here are my original telephone drawing ready to scan on to my computer and to photoshop clean! I'm really happy with the design so far and would be happy to sell it as a print maybe with some text the floating receivers help me fill space and make the illustration look more interactive instead of just having them on top of the phones. 

Monday 20 January 2014

Finishing things up for print

Just making some last minute touches before i send my Zine to print, I'm not sure if I like the shoulders but it kind of needs it otherwise it's just a floating head,... And I added some more hair and the text, a quote which really describes how I feel about the sea! Everytime I visit I feel refreshed it reminds me of things and puts things into prospective! 

Telephone Print

I have separated this telephone illustration into 3 different sections so when I photocopy it or photoshop it then the different sections will be different colours. I've been looking at the colours that Cath Kidstons work, she has taken the dulled down colours from the era she's trying to create and made them more vibrant and modern! 


This is my small but beautiful collection of sequins, beads and shells! I used these to decorate my illustrations, I really love the effects they created and I hope they print well! These colours together I think are amazing and remind me of the reflections of the sea that Are produced in the sun light. 

Friday 17 January 2014

Fashion Illustrations

It's interesting to see what the fashion was at the time and how patterns where used. As you can see the colour palette is very similuar to what Cath uses for her products. Kidstons spreads her prints over a hole collection of items, such as closes and household items like cups and aprons and gardening gloves. So I need to make sure that my patterns is diverse. 

This image is from McCalls in 1952. 


I'm having a closer look at Cath Kidstons work, to study how her images are created. I know I am not meant to be producing the simple patterns like roses but it's just interesting to look at how her simple images are created. It looks like block colour on top of block colour, without any harsh black outlines, which will be a different way of working for me as I normally focus on black lines. 

Pink seems to pop up again as a good colour to use. But now I just need to decide if that's is the only colours I'll use. 


These illustrations are created by 'Lab Partners' in San Francisco, they look like retro images because of the backgrounds the illustration is produced on, the colours used for the objects.  There's no harsh black lines, in fact lines which might have originally been black are white, it really softens the image. Originally I want to work in silhouettes, but it might be quite nice to add some detail to the silhouettes. 

Pink seems to be my favourite colour for creating the image at he moment. 

Retro Patterns

I found this webpage on the construction of a retro pattern, it's really interesting to see what elements are used to make something look 'retro' 'vintage', so it's the colour especially browns and reds that seems to really highlight an era, ( but I think it maybe from a later era than cath Kidston is trying to convey) and no harsh black lines. These are elements that I need to take into my work. 

Just for fun

 A great phone outfit just to make me giggle when I feel  but over whelmed by the work, this guy Dave, he's running as as a phone for a good cause. 


These are my final outcomes for my small driftwood sign brief. I haven't painted driftwood in a while and I super enjoyed it, so I'm definitely going to try and make some more and try selling them around the barbican in the little cute shops! The lady who I sold them to really loved them and I gained £25 wahoo

Tuesday 14 January 2014


My friend who is a  fashion student interested in patterns for fabric recently introducd me to this website which is fantastic for inspiration for learning and studying about patterns

They provide the most random of images which can inspire me by their colour, or composition.

Monday 13 January 2014

She sells seashells on the seashore

Shells from Madagascar, they are so beautiful the ultimate patterns in nature I would like to add them into my work without it look too much like my other work I had done previously 


I wish that I could draw like this! I follow this artist on Facebook and Instagram. Her drawings are so beautiful and she develops them digitally but I prefer them in this stage where they are rough sketches. 

Sparkling Mackerel

I really wanted to try the sequin technique again, and I wanted to revisit the patterns in nature that I had researched before, Mackerels have a really interestng pattern which can be described as stripes runng down their back, a defence pattern which would allow them to be camoflagued in the water from prey up above. It looks beautiful  clever so I wanted to highlight this with the sequins.  

Friday 10 January 2014

Turtle fun

My turtle for my seagal magazine, all photoshopped up ready to go! It's great to get re inspired again, and remind me of what I enjoyed at the start of the term! Patterns inside designs, I think that's the best way to explain it!? I started a turtle before in my last module, but didn't like where it was going,but after seeing Rachal Wilson's work I've been inspired to try it again! 

Wednesday 8 January 2014

I love this girls work

I really really really wish I had created this illustration, its amazing, its exactly what I would want to create! Rachel Wilson's work is how I would like to create my work! i adsolutely love this work, and I want to  create something similuar for my zine. I love to create line drawings in black and white with a splash of colour, to allow me to focus on the illustration instead of focusing on the colour.

Her main inspiration seems to be the sea, we have something in common!  


This illustrator I found on this website called huebucket,.com but I couldnt find the illustrators name. The drawing has demonstrated to me how else I can draw the sea. The colours that work together. I might also look into making phone covers, as they seem to be as pretty good outlet for using the designs. I might also like to focus away from portraits to fill the rest of my zine up. 

I need more inspiration

 more research for my seagal zine, i feel like i need more inspiration for my pages  i really want to have a zine which has 12 pages , i really like this illustration, im not sure who it's illustrated by, but I really love the patterns , I love working with shapes with patterns inside them and drawing on tattoos within the human shape is somethng that I appreciate. It looks like the illustrator has combined a photo with drawing ontop.