Monday 23 December 2013


This could be a definite potential for a front cover, I've used gold paint as the background and will probably need to reconsider what colour I use, unless I really want gold. I've kinda fallen in love with gold after Kelly Smith bringing out prints with gold highlights for Christmas,... They look beautiful and I really want to purchase one! 

Anyway, I really like the composition used and the typograph I used as well! 


I've been experimenting with different ways I could use these different textures, where on my illustrations I could use them. Here I've tried using them for a headpiece. I really love the depth and texture that the sequins create! And the colours are perfect! I also like the combination of black ink with the colour. 


I have been thinking of different ways to demonstrate the sea through different patterns, when I saw the sequins in paperchase I thought they would be a brilliant way to represent the sea. I'd also been inspired by textured fashion illustrations, like this illustration on the book 'illustration Now! FASHION' by Izziyana Suhaimi. As long as the sequins photograph or photocopy well then il be excited to use them!

Full Body

Re drawing after sorting out different compositions, and ways of working. I'm not quite sure if this would fit compositionally on a page without a coherent background which would make it sit better on the page as it would probably be a5 portrait. I feel also I good be a little more life like wit my drawing. 

Being at home means big distractions!

With only a couple of days till Christmas it's getting harder and harder to do some work without getting distracted by different things! But I managed to reach 2000 words for my dissertation and get some rough sketches in for my Seagals Zine, also the tattoos I designed are tattooed (picture to follow shortly) and I'm ready to paint my signs. So hopefully after Christmas I can focus on more fun drAw things instead of writing! 

Tuesday 17 December 2013

I've gotta stop drawing and start typing!

Trying to balance my days probably so I get a good amount of time typing my dissertation! But the thought of drawing is so much nicer!


Practicing a page for my Seagals Zine, getting the composition right! And practicing drawing hands!! Ahhhh they are so hard to draw! I'm determined not to crop them out of the picture by hiding them behind her hair or waist like I would normally do!

Saturday 14 December 2013

Old telephones

I'm quite lucky to own an old telephone at home, so when I go home for Christmas I can photograph it and draw from it! It originally was what gave me the idea to have the theme of old telephones! Here are some cool inspirational images I will be using 

Finished designs

I'd redone the tattoos just to make sure that everything was ok, and I even managed to add a flag, which is what my Uncle had asked for! But before I wasn't sure how to fit it in!

I've sent him the finals and he's happy with them!

Driftwood Sign

I've been commissioned to paint two driftwood signs for in a shop. Both the bits of wood have been collected and sanded down by the client, so I considered this when quoting. She wants them painted and varnished. Normally I would sell a big piece at £15-£20 and the smaller one would be at least £10-£12 so together I've decided to quote £25 because that takes off the collecting and sanding down.

The first bigger piece needs to have painted on it 'odds & evens' and the smaller piece needs to have painted on it 'private'. Any colour scheme for the bigger piece and the lsmaller piece should be in white. 

Cornish tattoo

Just going over my original art work, to make sure everything's ready for tattooing!


I love the composition of this piece, unfortunately I couldn't find out who is was illustrated by. This kind of compostition would work over a two page spread. I really want to include my patterns and he mermaid tail would work will patterned!


These are two tester pieces I've done, just practicing working with inks, they were in colour, but it's interesting to see what they look like in black and white. I really like them. But now I need to start owing the image, making it mine.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

AD32 Project 2

For my second project I decided to create a print for the Cath Kidston range. It's great because it really fits with my dissertation work that I'm doing. I'm interested in how Cath Kidston uses nostalgia in her work to attract an audience, make them feel comfortable. For the brief we need to design a coversational print, so not just birds spots or flowers but something that makes a conversation. Other prints that have been created are the cowboys and London guards. 

 For my print I really want to look into making a conversational print using old telephones as a reference. Her style is nostalgic of the years 1940-1950's so I'll have to look into phones from that time.

From my google searching, I really like these phones!

AD32 Project 1

For my first project of AD32 I have decided that I want to make a Zine, I've always wanted to make one and this is my opportunity to make a Zine but creating my own theme. I've been drawing these little people and I've really wanted to do something with them. But when I pitched the idea to my tutors they suggested at I didn't have a strong enough theme. Unlike the Zine I had been studying my Lize Meddings 'Girls and the World' I just wanted to use my illustrations. So I started to think about what theme I could use. Then I thought what theme have I been using throughout the entire year? I've Ben completely inspired by the sea. So I've decided to do girls and the sea. I was going through different names: Animalistic, Animal girls, Girls by the sea, Ocean girls, then I thought about the play on words 'seagals' and I've been debating it and will let it sit in my mind for a bit. But I quiet like it. 

Originally I really wanted to do a comic stripe kinda Zine, as I loved some of Lize Meddings comics! and I really want to give it a crack, as composition in a small space was my weakness and I wanted to push myself. But after talking to my tutors they said that I should just do a set of images that relate to one particular theme. Seagals. 

Google inspiration

Liz Clements

I love this girls work! She takes the tattoo line style and combines it with fashion illustration, just epic!

Kelly Smith

I absolutely loves girls work! Oh my god I can't get enough of it! This is how I would like to work, black and white with a splash of beautiful vivid colour!!

Paula Bonet

I love the looseness of this illustration, it's so sketchy but captures movement and the splash of colour if beautiful.

Monday 9 December 2013

Kelly Smith

I absolutely loves girls work! Oh my god I can't get enough of it! This is how I would like to work, black and white with a splash of beautiful vivid colour!!

stina persson

Watercolour/ink in these illustrations flow and look like they have bled, but they create shapes and movement.

Monsieur qui

I love the use of watercolour/ink without any line drawing, it just looks so soft and it flows. 

sarah hankinson

 Will probably just stick in black and white with a dash of colour!

I will probably lay the pages out like this, one with a fashion illustration and another with colours, images to relate to it!

Daniel egneus

I absolutely love this work! It's so creative with all the best medias, ink, watercolour, pen all mixed together in a united piece, yummy!

This is what I would like to do, combine animal with human, forget about normal proportions!

Yet again forgetting the normal proportions

James gulliver Hancock

James  gulliver Hancock

I love this guys illustration style! And it's the kind of pattern I would like to produce for the cath Kidston pattern design competition. I wanted to do to something like bicycles but is anted to look at old fashioned phones. I just need to double check that the phones are from the era that Cath kidston is trying to portray.