Wednesday 12 October 2011

Top Trump

My Top Trump on Tomislav Tomic

I found it hard to choose one image that explained his entire works, and felt like the catergories that were provided needed a slight adjustment. For example 'humour' I felt could be adjusted to 'amusement' for the child reading the book and combining that reading and understanding with the illustrations. How much amusement are they getting out of it, or how much amusement am I getting out of it, which would have been a higher rating that what I gave it for 'humour', which was 3.
Popularity was another hard caterogy to work with because it is quite hard to measure the popularity of an illustrator, because you may think he is popular but others may not. But as this top trump card is based mostly on opinion I felt that due to the clients he has worked for, for example the royal mail, which is seen by nearly everybody, that his work was well known.
Also this being about opinion I had to give Tomic's work a 9! I think that his work is beautiful.

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